Getting to know me!

I am a previous BA(hons) Games Technology student who is passionate about gaming, multimedia and movies. I enjoy keeping up to date with the latest gaming news and media updates. I like to take an active approach to the media – I have previously co presented a radio show whilst studying at university; I thoroughly enjoyed radio production and would love to resume a radio show in the future. In my free time I enjoy reading and writing reviews and articles about movies and games that grab my attention. I love to engage in discussions, and pass comment on all things TV, film and gaming. On my blog I hope to share my thoughts and stimulate discussions about all things multimedia! I am always interested in receiving feedback and opinions, if you have a question for me or would like me to write a review of your work (for free) please feel free to drop me an email, at

One thought on “Getting to know me!

  1. Hollibobs says:

    I am looking forward to reading everything you have to share! πŸ™‚

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